
December 7th, 2010

Rumers  hurt  they  are  not  anything  to  listen  to  they  only cause  pain  i  have  talked  to an  friend  and rumers  actualy  caused  her to  have  a  horrable  problem  she  told  a  guy she  wouldent  have  sex  with him  in high  school  and  as  a  result  he spred  a  rumer  that  said she  was  a  slut  and  she lost  all  her  friends  even  her boyfriend  all because  of  one  little  rumer .so she grew up being called a slut and it runed her life and she would hate it if that happened to any one ,witch it does all the time and the person who spred it most of the time turned out with no friends and being beat up all the time.thanks for listening.


November 22nd, 2010



November 11th, 2010

Did you know that  seventy  pesent of all adults smoke and ninty persent of the time there kids are doing second hand smoke just by being with there parents .I have lots of family that smokes and i can tell you that when you go to give someone a hug and they have been smoking and they smell like sigarets dose that make you happy if you have to smell that every time you give them a hug.


October 21st, 2010

                                                                                    im in basketball and this is what i have to say

My pets

October 21st, 2010